Sunday, February 22, 2009

Research Related to Clark vs. Kozma Media Debate

We are going to be debating whether media influences learning on Thursday, February 26, 2009. My partners and I are debating on the side of Clark who believes that "media will never influence learning". There are four major areas or topic areas that he covers: media and instructional method, the replaceability challenge, motivation in the media itself, and surface and structures. Kozma wants to reframe the debate to say at a certain point in the future media will influence learning.

Here are some resource links for more information on the debate:
1. "Media Will Never Influence Learning" by Richard E. Clark
2. "Will Media Influence Learning? Reframing the Debate" by Robert B. Kozma
3. "Technology not the Panacea for Education" by Todd Oppenheimer
4. "Does Media Affect Learning: Where Are We Now?" by Nancy B. Hastings and Monica W. Tracey
5. "The Computer Delusion" by Todd Oppenheimer
6. "Clark's Invitation to the Dance: An Instructional Designer's Response" by Robert A. Reiser
7. "The Media Influence Debate: Read the Fine Print, But Don't Lose Sight of the Big Picture" by Sharon A. Shrock
8. "The Influence of Media on Learning: The Debate Continues" by Robert B. Kozma
9. "How Does Technology Influence Student Learning" by John Cradler, Mary McNabb, Molly Freeman, and Richard Burchett

1 comment:

  1. Those of you who are supporting my view of this debate face an uphill slog. People who have looked carefully at the evidence and who understand the logic of causality all agree with those of us who now accept that media do not cause learning. But many bright and capable people who have not looked at the evidence and who tend to trust their own experience, resist the claim that it is instructional methods and the accuracy of information we give to students what influences their learning and performance - not the medium or mix of media we select to deliver information and instructional methods. People learn by connecting their prior knowledge with demonstrations (a method) of conceptual (what is it) and procedural (how do I do it) information as we provide practice (a method) opportunities and give them corrective feedback (a method) so that they do not learn incorrect information. Demonstrations, practice and feedback can be provided in a variety of media with the same learning results.

    Best of Luck
    Richard Clark
